Night photography
As I mentioned in an earlier post, called „at night“ I do really love taking pictures in darkness. In this actual post I want to encourage you again to try it out.
Night photography opens a wide field of experimentation. The needed long exposure times give sometimes a completely new view on things or land-/cityscapes.
Focussing may be a real challenge. The following picture of Ganymede was taken in near absolute darkness. Because I wanted the lights in the background big and blurry I set aperture on 4.0. This means depth of field is very thin and focussing had to be done carefully. For this reason I always have a little torch with me to illuminate the objects during focussing.
For the following picture of the Central Station in Zurich I used a neutral grade filter to darken the sky which results A) in saturated colors in the sky and B) more details in the foreground.
No big challenge for the following picture of the industrial zone of Zurich. Small aperture for depth of field, long exposure for nice effects on the moving car lights.
Always nice is running water combined with long exposures which gives the water a soft and „cloudy“ impression.
The name of this place is „village linden tree“. I imagine in ancient times there was a big patriarchal linden tree where the village people assemble to discuss and deliberate on something. Now in modern times these little bleak and wimpy „branches of something“ disappear between the impersonal buildings.
For all photos in this blog: Copyright by Enrico Caccia, all rights reserved.
Alle Fotos in den Beiträgen dieses Blogs unterliegen dem Copyright Enrico Caccia. Ohne meine ausdrückliche Genehmigung ist das Kopieren, Herunterladen, Vervielfältigen, Verteilen oder sonstige Verwenden dieser Bilder aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen nicht gestattet.