Flock of sheep

Here in Switzerland things seems to be a little smaller than in the rest of the world :-). One advantage of this aspect is the fact that city and countryside are very close. 15 bicycle-minutes from the city you think you did a journey through time back to the penultimate century. The following pictures could be from somewhere in the mountains but I took it in Dübendorf, a suburbia of Zurich, on the way to work.



For all photos in this blog: Copyright by Enrico Caccia, all rights reserved.Alle Fotos in den Beiträgen dieses Blogs unterliegen dem Copyright Enrico Caccia. Ohne meine ausdrückliche Genehmigung ist das Kopieren, Herunterladen, Vervielfältigen, Verteilen oder sonstige Verwenden dieser Bilder aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen nicht gestattet.

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