About one month after starting my webshop for FineArt cards and -posters you will found some improvements there. Especially for the FineArt-cards people asked me for more details. I realized that the images on the website didn’t do justice to the quality of the FineArt paper used for the cards.
Therefore I added a couple of photos with detailed view of the cards and the covers. Just a few here on my blog, some more on the website respectively in the webshop (also some pictures of the manufacturing process of the covers).

- For all photos in this blog: Copyright by Enrico Caccia, all rights reserved.Alle Fotos in den Beiträgen dieses Blogs unterliegen dem Copyright Enrico Caccia. Ohne meine ausdrückliche Genehmigung ist das Kopieren, Herunterladen, Vervielfältigen, Verteilen oder sonstige Verwenden dieser Bilder aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen nicht gestattet.